
  • Andreza Maria de Lima IFPE


Ensino Médio Integrado, Professores/as, Representações Sociais.


Integrated High School seeks to promote the integral human formation of Brazilian working class youth. However, the reform of secondary education contributes to making the continuity of this education unfeasible. In this work, we aim to analyze the central nucleus of social representations of Integrated High School built by teachers from IFPE – Pesqueira campus. The basic theoretical framework is the Theory of Social Representations and the structural approach. The study is qualitative in nature. Ten teachers who work in Integrated High School participated, five from general education and five from technical education. The collection technique was a Central Core Test. For the analysis, we support the guidelines of Lima (2009) and Bardin (2002). Central elements were confirmed: “training”, “professionalization”, “work” and “opportunity”. The teachers represent Integrated High School as an education that provides general and technical training, and provides diverse opportunities. The representation prevails that the integrated midfield role is prepared for the job market. We highlight the relevance of the research for the training of teachers who work in integrated secondary education. We believe that the research could encourage reflections that contribute to strengthening Integrated Secondary Education in the face of the current reform of Secondary Education.


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Author Biography


Licencianda em Física no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (IFPE) - campus Pesqueira. Foi Bolsista do Programa de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC/IFPE).


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How to Cite

GOMES DA SILVA, N., & de Lima, A. M. (2024). ENSINO MÉDIO INTEGRADO: O NÚCLEO CENTRAL DAS REPRESENTAÇÕES SOCIAIS CONSTRUÍDAS POR PROFESSORES/AS . Educação E (Trans)formação, 1(1), 57–72. Retrieved from https://www.journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/educacaoetransformacao/article/view/6401


