Analysing the translation of non-narrative genres in literary works


  • Laura Scaramussa Azevedo Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Gabriel Gomes Botelho Freitas Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Lucas Alexandre Damasceno Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


systemic-functional linguistics, applied linguistics, translation product, non-narrative genres, generic interpolation


This research investigates how the translation of non-narrative texts occurs when interpolated in literary works, focusing on their generic structure (ROSE, 2019). It also investigates how changes are made to the generic structure of the translation product and non-narrative genres in literary works. Previous researches describe the narrative genre in different literary works (HASAN 1967; HALLIDAY, 1992; LE LIEVRE, 2003) providing an overview for the analysis of the translation of the narrative texts. Likewise, an analysis of non-narrative genres (HUNSTON, 2013; OLIVEIRA, BARIN, 2017) can support the analysis of the translations of said genres. This research, therefore, seeks to analyze the specific way in which the generic structure of interpolated non-narrative texts is changed within the translation product. The Harry Potter saga (ROWLING, 1997-2007) was used as our corpus, being ideal for research considering the large amount of non-narrative texts within the books and the relevance of its translation (CRUZ, 2003). The saga is also known for the large number of adaptations needed in translation (SANTOS, 2014). The research seeks to bring about an analytical linguistic observation on the translation choices involved in the texts covered and the possible impacts that may occur on the translation product based on the general principles of Systemic-Functional Linguistics and its concepts of text, register and genre (HALLIDAY et al., 1964; MARTIN et al., 1997; EGGINS, 2004) as well as the definitions of generic categories (ROSE, 2019) that base the analysis of the corpus. The results point to few modifications in the generic structure of non-narrative texts, which results, in some cases, in the reproduction of the generic structure of the genre seen in the context of the source language in the translated text.


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Author Biographies

Laura Scaramussa Azevedo, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Graduanda em Letras - Tradução pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

Gabriel Gomes Botelho Freitas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Graduando em Letras - Tradução pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP).

Lucas Alexandre Damasceno, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Graduando em Letras - Tradução pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.


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How to Cite

Scaramussa Azevedo, L., Gomes Botelho Freitas, G., & Alexandre Damasceno, L. (2023). Analysing the translation of non-narrative genres in literary works. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 9(2), 28–52. Retrieved from