Literary mashups and ' zombie ' narrative in Jane Austen


  • Amanda do Nascimento dos Santos Almeida UFF


Literary Mashup, Canonical Works, Fantastic Literature


The Literary Mashups – a phenomenon of mass culture and of the evolution of technology in the field of literature – present a new proposal for the (re) reading of canonical works nowadays. The genre, which emerges from adaptation, presents a classic literary text and insert in it elements of what is considered to be mass culture. This hybrid product breaks the pre-established conventions regarding the content of the canonical works due to its transgressive character. This fact raises many issues among the literary reviews regarding the pledge of allegiance, the value of a work, the concept of originality among others.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. do N. dos S. (2021). Literary mashups and ’ zombie ’ narrative in Jane Austen. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 4(1), 2–12. Retrieved from