Ocorrência de cádmio em amostra de rim suíno em um frigorífico de Minas Gerais: relato de caso





occurrence of cadmium, toxic metal, violations


Brazil stands out as one of the largest meat producers and exporters in the world, and one of the main concerns of the Brazilian meat industry is the presence of contaminants in animal tissues. Cadmium is considered one of the five most toxic metals present in nature, when it exceeds acceptable limits in the body it can trigger several diseases. It is a metal found mainly in phosphate rocks, and these rocks are used as inputs for the manufacture of fertilizers and mineral supplements. In Brazil, the body responsible for rigorously inspecting contamination in meat products is the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA). In a slaughterhouse located in Minas Gerais, the violation of cadmium in pork tissues was detected, after the notification, subprograms were adopted to identify the possible causes of these violations, applying corrective and preventive measures, where the absence of a letter of guarantee from pork producers was verified . In view of this occurrence, the sale of animals from this farm is impaired, since information on the presence of cadmium will appear in the next Animal Transit Guide (GTA) withdrawn, normalizing only after confirmation of five consecutive samples in conformity. In the Brazilian literature, there is a lack of case reports that indicate incidents of cadmium contamination in pigs. This case report reinforces the thesis that these violations are considered specific and occasional situations, with diet composition being the biggest contaminating factor within farms and farms.


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How to Cite

Costa, K. M., Gherardi, S. R. M., & Almeida, J. C. de. (2023). Ocorrência de cádmio em amostra de rim suíno em um frigorífico de Minas Gerais: relato de caso. Medicina Veterinária, 17(3), 197–202. https://doi.org/10.26605/medvet-v17n3-5502



Tecnologia e Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal